智能恒温水壶Yimu Electric Kettle

时间:2019-10-18 16:33:15       来源:项城网|0

Yimu Electric Kettle恒温电热水壶自带底座可视窗口,水温智能控制,自动定时保温,304不锈钢内胆,快速沸腾,三重安全保护等智能功能。時尚外型,适合每个喜爱简约风的你。Yimu Electric Kettle的设计可以巧妙的融入居家或者是办公空间,凸显个性但不突兀。

Yimu Electric Kettle智能温度调节功能不仅能加热到预设温度,还可以煮沸后保温至预设的制定温度。用户可通过转动电子显示器的外齿轮调节温度,控制温度、预设并查看当前温度。Yimu Electric Kettle底座采用可视化窗口,让您随时掌握水温的变化。烧水程序完成后,自动进入24小时保温系统。这款恒温水壶可智能地监控水壶中剩余水量,以确定保温程序,时刻给用户想要的温度,可满足煮咖啡、泡茶、冲泡奶粉等不同场景。

除了对水进行精确的温度传感器控制之外,通过底部的加热环发热,使水由下而上均匀受热,做到快速升温。当水达到沸腾后,Yimu Electric Kettle智能恒温水壶将自动进入24小时保温系统。 恒温电热水壶采用隔热橡木手柄起到了更好的隔热效果,握在手中时能感受到木质的温润感,拿取时还能更加贴合手掌,保证水壶外观优雅美观且符合人体力学。

Yimu Electric Kettle智能恒温电水壶提供三重用电保护设计:水完全沸腾后自动断电;当监测到缺水干烧时,自动断电;精心设计的电源连接器,有效防止触电、漏电。

Yimu Electric Kettle is made for anyone who loves simplicity. The thermally insulated white oak handle adds texture to the product while keeping the handle cool during the operation. Yimu Electric Kettle utilizes a cutting-edge water circling heating technology.

The intelligent temperature adjustment function not only heats to the preset temperature but also keep the hot water at a stable temperature. An electronic control panel allows users to view and control the temperature and preset settings. The temperature can be adjusted by turning the outer gear of the electronic display. Once the water boiling program is completed, it automatically enters a 24-hour heat preservation system.

Along with a precise temperature control, Yimu Electric Kettle intelligently monitors the volume of the remaining water in the kettle to determine the needs of heat preservation.